[["Next time, try not to wake everyone up you insensitive prick."|Vladspeak001]]\n\n[["What kept you out so long?"|Vladspeak002]]\n\n[[Give up on your urges to speak to Cameron about his shitty behavior and go to bed.|Vladimir002]]\n\n[[prev|Camintro]]
[img[http://puu.sh/6SufB.png]]\n\nYou tower two feet over this tiny shapeshifter. Then again, you are seven feet tall. Still, this makes the boy rather short. He's also a lot younger than you, probably around 15-16. Of course, he's probably only saying that because he looks it. You don't see demons of that age around a lot anymore.\n\nHelaku has been in this dorm longer than you have. He acts as a sort of caretaker for you and Cameron since you can't fucking get along. Jesus Christ, how hard can it be?! \n\nHe's pretty soft spoken and he blushes at the tiniest thing. Cameron thinks it's cute, but you can't stand when he stammers and gets nervous all the time. Speak up, kid!\n\nOther than that, he's pretty average. He sucks at being a shapeshifter and can only change into two things and only for a short period of time. He gets okay grades (haha demon school... you're good at it). Sometimes he can cook dinner if it was in the freezer and already prepared. Not like you need to eat. \n\nYou find describing him to yourself rather boring, so you go back to waking the fuck up.\n\n[[prev|Vladimir003]]
You would have said you slept fine except [[Helaku|Helakuintro2]] fucking woke you up at goddamn eight AM. Jeez, what does a guy have to do to get some pleasant sleep over here? Obviously not sleep. \n\nYou slowly rise from bed, since laying around won't do much good and you do have to get to class. Cameron was waking up too, albeit grumpily. Helaku was shoving him from bed since he had to cook. Since you don't need to eat (everything tastes like dust to you anyway so there isn't a point) you take the time to get dressed. \n\nApparently choosing clothes takes you an entire hour and getting your hair fixed takes another half. Wooow! Time to get the hell to class because it's actually pretty damn late now! \n\nYou go to leave the room, but Cameron stops you. You could always [[ignore him|Vladimir007]] or [[yell at him again|Campath001]]. Hmmm...\n\n[[prev|Vladimir002]]
You could always scold Cameron in the morning, but now you felt tired. So, so tired... It was almost that unnatural tired you get from staying up until an ungodly hour of the morning. Oh wait. That's what you were doing. \n\nSo you wrap yourself up in a mound of blankets and doze off, only to be interuppted by Cameron's obnoxious snoring. You casually tell him to shut the fuck up. All is quiet. You can sleep until [[morning|Vladimir003]] peacefully.\n\n[[prev|Vladimir001]] || [[next|Vladimir003]]
"Huh...? You guys are still awake...?"\n\nIt was your other roommate who was significantly smaller than the both of you. His name was Helaku. Cameron liked to make fun of how strange the name was. He also liked to poke fun at his kindness towards the two. \n\nYou just thought he was annoying most of the time. Might as well give him an introduction anyway.\n\n[[prev|Vladimir004]] || [[next|Helakuintro]]
This turned out to be a very bad idea because once you turned it on you had to squint for about five minutes until you could actually see. It was better to just leave the damn things off. In other news, you could actually see Cameron now. He was smirking in his bed.\n\n[img[http://puu.sh/6SuDN.png]]\n\n"You missed me, didn't you?" He asked. "I mean, what other reason could you have to ask?"\n\n"Maybe I wanted to fucking sleep." You hissed. \n\nCameron looked shocked at the retort. "What?! I've never seen you want to sleep."\n\n"You're keeping me awake."\n\n"True.... true.... But! I want to tell you what I was up to."\n\nThe guy goes off on a tangent about his night of clubbing, which really didn't interest you. Is that something demons normally did? It sounded so human and weird. Then again, everything about them and their culture seemed strangely human. You were convinced that they were just the same thing. (After all, you've never met a human.)\n\nA <b>noise disturbs you</b> and also causes Cameron to finally stop talking. \n\n[[prev|Vladspeak001]] || [[next|Vladimir005]]
Cameron looked slightly offended, but you were long gone at that point. Most of your thoughts were focused on class while the rest were trained on what the heck Cameron wanted.\n\nYou had no time to contemplate this though because you were due to magic training and shit was getting intense there. Currently the class was studying spellbinding angels. Of course you couldn't let anyone know you already knew this and other more effective ways to counter it. Still, it was interesting and you liked watching the demons practice on the imprisoned angels at the academy.\n\n"Maybe it would be a good idea to touch up on current events," you told yourself as that class ended. It'd be a while before your next started so there wasn't really a loss. Time to <b>go to the libary</b>.\n\n[[prev|Vladimir003]] || [[next|Vladimir008]]
"Look," You said in a bored tone. Really you were just angry and tired. "You woke up sleeping beauty and Helaku. We deserve our rest. It's late o'clock in the morning. Go to FUCK to sleep." Somehow that bored tone had turned into a very rageful bark. \n\nCameron and Helaku both cringed away. The fire demon quickly apologized. That was the only thing he ever apologized for (For some reason you and Cameron both show caring towards Helaku. Maybe it's because he's so damn short?). \n\nAfter that outburst Helaku apologized for waking up and Cameron actually went to bed. You then decide that you should get back to sleep as well so you curl up in your blankets and drift off to sleep. \n\nWhat could the next day bring?\n\n[[prev|Helakuintro]] || [[next|Vladimir003]]
You take the article to one of the many tables and open it up. The table of contents looks useless so you overlook it and read skim the article.\n\n<i>"The fact of the matter is, no one alive can remember why the war started. Since this is the case, why is it still going on full force? We believe it's because the angels have something to hide or to protect. Call it farfetched, but it's true that thirty years previous one demon infultrated the angels' Zone and found something. We don't know what, but we have our suspicitions. I cannot say what those are, but I will be sharing them in the near future. Those angels are up to something, most likly involving the Great Masacre in 2301."</i>\n\nThere is a great deal of regret relating to the reading of this article. A feeling welled up in your stomach. You had a good hunch you knew what was going on and it directly related to your life in the angels' Zone. \n\nThe book was quickly shoved back to near where it was originally and you rushed back to your dorm. Those other classes didn't matter. \n\nIt was quiet since Cameron was out and Helaku was napping. or, he was until you woke him up. He yawned cutely and stretching, asking why you were back so early. You ignore him and flop onto your own bed. Of course Helaku gets concerned asks if you're okay. Should you ignore him again like an asshole?\n\n[[Ignore him.|Vladimir010]] \n\n[[Say something.|Vladspeak004]]\n\n[[prev|Vladimir008]]
[img[http://puu.sh/6SLwn.png]]\n\nYou never really understood why the libary in this school was so big, but it is. There's always something to read. Except when you read everything, but you figure that won't happen for a while. \n\nThe history section was all the way in the back. This made you want to scream because that was the only section you actually cared about. And the back was far, far away.\n\nOnce you got there you scanned the books, looking for something interesting. There was... some junk on the war... and... nothing of interest that you hadn't read already. Then one caught your eye. "Why the Fuck is this War Still Going On?"\n\nEh. Worth a shot. \n\n[[prev|Vladimir007]] || [[next|Vladimir009]]
You were awoken by the sound of the door slamming. This made you jolt from bed with a angry grumble. The offender made a sort of hissing sound before sitting on their own bed. You knew they sat because that was the only bed that creaked. \n\nThey were one of your roommates. Tall, muscular with hair that defied the laws of physics. That was Cameron. He let out another groan/hiss. This annoyed you. It was late at night and the least your roommate could do was show some respect.\n\nYou really want to say something about it. Or you could give the kid a short introduction. Too bad this is a game and you're stuck with introduction.\n\n[[prev|Start]] || [[next|Camintro]]
Blood and War\n (vladimir's shitty love story.)
There's nothing you can do accept give up. Lying won't get you anywhere, since there isn't anything you can say. Also that guy beside the headmaster is totally glaring you down and freaking you the hell out. \n\n"Yes... That's exactly what I was doing." You reply hesitantly. \n\nThe headmaster nods and sends the demon forward. He really does look familiar... And then it hit you. He's Cameron's ex named Davian or something. So he did date. Huh. That's fucking surprising.\n\nThe man grasps you by the shirt collar and tosses you into the hallway. Your arms are bound by binding magic, which was unexpected from the demon. He'd learned a thing or two and was probably the one to rat you out for trying to kill Cameron.\n\nYes, you tried to do that. You're just remembering this now. When the attempt failed you erased his memories of the event and tried to kill Davian. You'd left him bleeding but didn't actually check if he was dead. Yeah. That was a dumb move on your part. So was hiding in that room. Should have gone down that hallway.\n\nDavian led your down the stairwell and out of school to the execution grounds. They hadn't been used much and you didn't really understand the point of them until now. It was dusty and the only thing was a platform with a guillotine on it. Wonderful.\n\nEven when faced with death you're a sassy little fuck. \n\nDavian leaves you on the platform. Not like you can do anything all bound in magic like you are, so you just kind of sit down and wait, thinking over all your poor life choices. Shit... You were really going to die... You had no idea your life would end this way. It was... awful.\n\n[[prev|Vladimir013]] || [[next|Vladimir019]]
"No, I just got lost on the way to class." You state calmly, stnading up to your full height. Hah. Everyone is so tiny.\n\nThe headmaster shakes their head slowly. "We both know that is a blatant lie," Before you could reply this goon cast a spell, binding you in your place. "You see, you're a threat to society as you are now."\n\nOh. Now you remember who this kid with the headmaster is. Davian... Cameron's ex or something. So he did date. At some point. He held a grudge against you for plotting to kill Cameron, which you really hadn't given up on (just forgotten about. you've got pretty shit memory). It was a surprise that he could use casting magic now, though. That was new.\n\n"You see, we can't have a rampaging archangel running around killing and devouring the souls of our students, now can we? I am honestly surprised you fooled us for so long... until Davian shed some light on the situation," The headmaster carried on, explaining everything. It was like those shows where you just wait for the villian to stop speaking. Of course, you were trying to escape this shitty spell. "Take him away. His punishment is death, which I give you the priviledge of bestowing upon him."\n\nThis school was so... harsh. That crossed your mind so many times as you were led outside to the guillotine. Oh how much you wished you went down that hallway right now. As you were being led, the headmaster was probably making an announcement about your 'betrayal'. \n\n[[prev|Vladimir013]] || [[next|Vladimir018]]
[img[http://puu.sh/6Su0G.png]]\n\nLook at this fucker. He's almost six feet tall and looks a hell of a lot like Lavi from D. Gray-man. Despite that, you don't find him as attractive as he likes to think he is. Then again, no one can compare to your beauty. \n\nCameron is probably in his early twenties. Not that demons like to keep track of how old they are. They live for so long, it doesn't matter. You're of the opinion that he acts like he is five.\n\nTo quickly describe his personality in a manner that slightly resembles the beginning of profile building when this character was made, Cameron is rude, rambunctious, flamboyant, and a huge fucking flirt. He's also a fire demon. Fire and anger mix well, don't they?\n\nTo hell with introductions you think! It's not like you've been living with him for a couple years now or anything. \n\nYou decide now is a good time to move back to the actual plot of the story. What were you saying again?\n\n[[prev|Start]] || [[next|Vladimir001]]
God, you're such an ass, you tell yourself as you roll over in bed and tune out the tiny demon shapeshifter. He's still babbling, but at that point you were falling asleep and trying to forget about that article you read. \n\nThat was considerably hard since it directly related to your life before boarding school. Your life... that you would much rather forget. A life controlled by some annoying fuck who thought he could do whatever he wanted with you. Well, now you learned your lesson (the hard way of course) and maybe a few people died and maybe it was your fault.\n\nOh, who are you kidding?! Obviously it was your fault. No one was supposed to know about it (because they all died) and it's not like you left any evidence. The only one who could possibly know was——\n\nWell shit. You thought that fucker was dead. God, he was even worse than Cameron when he was angry. You were sure you had killed him with the others but... you couldn't really remember. That posed a problem. That would also make him the source of information... Is this kid trying to rat you out?\n\nThere are two options you can take. One: find and confront this little shit and Two: pretend this isn't happening.\n\nSince pretending that the demon spawn of fucking satan isn't still alive won't do you any good (and will probably bite you in the ass sometime later) you decide on finding that fucker.\n\nHelaku had stopped talking by the time you went through this entire process and gone back to whatever he was doing. You pick up your coat and slip it on, giving the kid one last glance.\n\nDamn this was a really dumb idea. Too bad you've gotta go through with it if you don't want a bunch of people on your ass. After all, this guy knows your name and face. \n\n[[prev|Vladspeak004]] || [[next|Vladimir012]]
To leave school grounds you need permission. Since it would be impossible to get permission to go to the angels' zone, you decide on skipping out on that factor. God, wouldn't it suck if you got caught? You couldn't really think about that though because you gotta get though this hallway without disturbing every classroom.\n\nSurprisingly it was easy. You slipped silently through the halls until you're on the ground level. No one really questioned it (maybe because you were so much larger than them). Some people gave you a second glance but you glared them down. Not like it'd matter once you leave school since you're so much faster than these losers.\n\nA sound from the upcoming fork in the halls caught your attention. <i>Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.</i> were the only words that went through your head. You look around frantically. There was the way back from where you came, which had another hallway not too far off that you could go through or an empty room beside you. You feel like you should keep in mind those people coming could be going to that room. Or that hallway for that matter. Nowhere was safe... Or was it?\n\n[[Hide in the room.|Vladimir013]]\n\n[[Run down the hall to go down the next one.|Vladimir014]]\n\n[[prev|Vladimir010]]
You slip into the room beside you since it's a hell of a lot closer than sprinting down that hallway. The door closes a lot louder than you wished it would, but were these people close enough to hear it? \n\nThe answer was yes because about five seconds later the headmaster and who they were walking with burst into the room to find you hunched behind a desk. Sucks to be seven feet tall and not small enough to fit anywhere without being seen. You look up only to be greeted by two angry faces.\n\n"Pinarum," The headmaster adressed you. Their voice was delicate and silken. It unnerved you, since they were clearly mad and you were in trouble. "The only reason any student would be down this hallway is for these classes, which you do not have, and to exit the school."\n\nYou should have gone down the other hallway. God dammit. That run could have been good exercise too.\n\n"Now I would like to think you are not trying to run away, since you are such a good student, but I know that is wrong," They paused, motioning the other to step forward. You had no idea who this person was, but they looked a lot like the people you used to live with. "You were trying to leave because someone found out, were you not?"\n\nThis has taken a turn for the worse. The headmaster knows what you're up to and has brought some goon to help. Knowing how this school works (well, you'd seen the public executions of kids trying to leave for whatever reason. maybe this was a bad idea since you're leaving because you <b>killed a fuckton of people</b>. huh.) you think it's a good idea to not reply.\n\n"Your silence is not counting in your favore, Pinarum."\n\nWell shit. It was wortha try, right? You've got two options left.\n\n[[You can deny leaving|Vladimir016]]\n\nor\n\n[[Accept your fate of death.|Vladimir017]]\n\n[[prev|Vladimir012]]
God, you're such an ass, you tell yourself as you roll over in bed and tune out the tiny demon shapeshifter. He's still babbling, but at that point you were falling asleep and trying to forget about that article you read. \n\nThat was considerably hard since it directly related to your life before boarding school. Your life... that you would much rather forget. A life controlled by some annoying fuck who thought he could do whatever he wanted with you. Well, now you learned your lesson (the hard way of course) and maybe a few people died and maybe it was your fault.\n\nOh, who are you kidding?! Obviously it was your fault. No one was supposed to know about it (because they all died) and it's not like you left any evidence. The only one who could possibly know was——\n\nWell shit. You thought that fucker was dead. God, he was even worse than Cameron when he was angry. You were sure you had killed him with the others but... you couldn't really remember. That posed a problem. That would also make him the source of information... Is this kid trying to rat you out?\n\nThere are two options you can take. One: find and confront this little shit and Two: pretend this isn't happening.\n\nSince pretending that the demon spawn of fucking satan isn't still alive won't do you any good (and will probably bite you in the ass sometime later) you decide on finding that fucker.\n\nHelaku had stopped talking by the time you went through this entire process and gone back to whatever he was doing. You pick up your coat and slip it on, giving the kid one last glance.\n\nDamn this was a really dumb idea. Too bad you've gotta go through with it if you don't want a bunch of people on your ass. After all, this guy knows your name and face. \n\n[[prev|Vladimir009]] || [[next|Vladimir012]]
A large crowd had gathered by the execution platform. It was surprising big and gathered surprisingly fast. Damn... people were really eager for something out of the norm to happen here. The last execution happened so long ago. Was this demonstration... really necessary? Oh well, you did kill all those demons and try to eat Cameron, so it really isn't a surprise people hate you.\n\nThe coldness of the wood felt strange around your neck. And you got no bag. Is this not a school for the elite? Well, it wasn't but sometimes it felt like it was. \n\nIn the crowd you spotted a panicking Helaku and a Cameron who was laughing his ass off. Helaku looked like he was crying. Maybe, just maybe, you would miss the kid. He was nice... and sweet... and he really did watch out for the both of you. Cameron on the other hand... well, you did try to kill him already. \n\nA countdown brought you back into reality. Ten seconds until you die. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two.\n\nOne.\n\nBlood.\n\nDeath is a welcoming feeling.\n\n[[prev|Vladimir016]] || [[RESTART?|Start]]
A large crowd had gathered by the execution platform. It was surprising big and gathered surprisingly fast. Damn... people were really eager for something out of the norm to happen here. The last execution happened so long ago. Was this demonstration... really necessary? Oh well, you did kill all those demons and try to eat Cameron, so it really isn't a surprise people hate you.\n\nThe coldness of the wood felt strange around your neck. And you got no bag. Is this not a school for the elite? Well, it wasn't but sometimes it felt like it was. \n\nIn the crowd you spotted a panicking Helaku and a Cameron who was laughing his ass off. Helaku looked like he was crying. Maybe, just maybe, you would miss the kid. He was nice... and sweet... and he really did watch out for the both of you. Cameron on the other hand... well, you did try to kill him already. \n\nA countdown brought you back into reality. Ten seconds until you die. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two.\n\nOne.\n\nBlood.\n\nDeath is a welcoming feeling.\n\n[[prev|Vladimir017]] || [[RESTART?|Start]]
[img[http://puu.sh/6SuwX.png]]\n\n"Ehh? What's this? Vladdy showing an ounce of emotion? Laaame!" Cameron grumbled loudly while rolling over in his bed. He flipped the light on so they could actually see each other. "Since you care so much, I was out in town."\n\nIt didn't surprise you that Cameron was breaking the rules, so you just rolled over and went back to sleep.\n\n[[prev|Vladimir001]] || [[next|Vladimir002]]
There was a muffled groan, but then Cameron replied to the rude comment. \n\n[img[http://puu.sh/6SK7t.gif]]\n\n"Ehh? No need to speak so meanly! Jeeeez Vladimir, that's no way to greet your roommate!" He said in a loud voice. For someone out so late, he sure was energetic.\n\n"For someone out so late you sure are energetic." What a creative line you just said. Please give yourself a pat on the back.\n\n"Huh! I can be as energetic as I want, whenever I want!" He grumbled. You were sure he was pouting, but you couldn't see with the lights off. \n\nSo to help yourself out you <b>turn the lights on.</b>\n\n[[prev|Vladimir001]] || [[next|Vladimir004]]
Most of the time looks pretty angry. Or annoyed. Or both combined. Vincent is pretty hard to get on with and rather blunt. He's probably even more of a flirt than Cameron and meaner to boot.\n\nWith all these bad qualities he's got... absolutely nothing to make up for it. Except a pretty face.
[["Shut up."|Vladimir015]]\n\n[["What the fuck do you want?"|Vladimir011]]\n\n[[prev|Vladimir009]]
[img[http://puu.sh/6SufB.png]]\n\nYou tower two feet over this tiny shapeshifter. Then again, you are seven feet tall. Still, this makes the boy rather short. He's also a lot younger than you, probably around 15-16. Of course, he's probably only saying that because he looks it. You don't see demons of that age around a lot anymore.\n\nHelaku has been in this dorm longer than you have. He acts as a sort of caretaker for you and Cameron since you can't fucking get along. Jesus Christ, how hard can it be?! \n\nHe's pretty soft spoken and he blushes at the tiniest thing. Cameron thinks it's cute, but you can't stand when he stammers and gets nervous all the time. Speak up, kid!\n\nOther than that, he's pretty average. He sucks at being a shapeshifter and can only change into two things and only for a short period of time. He gets okay grades (haha demon school... you're good at it). Sometimes he can cook dinner if it was in the freezer and already prepared. Not like you need to eat. \n\nYou find describing him to yourself rather boring, so you go back to scolding and being angry at cameron.\n\n[[prev|Vladimir005]] || [[next|Vladimir006]]
As nicely as possible you ask, "What do you want?"\n\n[img[http://puu.sh/6Sus6.png]] \n\n"Ahh... so rude! I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out with me tonight."\n\nYou can't help but squint at him. Did he mean like, a date? Or out clubbing? Probably the latter. Cameron doesn't date (is it even possible for demons?). But you still question it. Of course you will say no, because no one would want to date this rude shit.\n\n"No." You reply angrily, throwing open the door and stepping out.\n\n"Whaaaat? Why not?!"\n\n[["Because clubbing is fucking stupid."|Campath003]]\n\n[["No one would want to go on a date with you."|Campath004]]\n\n[[prev|Campath001]]
[img[http://puu.sh/6TdsJ.png]]\n\n"No... I think you have it all wrong"\n\n"No I don't. I'm right, as usual. It's a useless passtime." You say, taking the first step out the door. Maybe he could take a hint.\n\n"But it's not what I meaaant! I meant go on a date with me."\n\n"..." You pause halfway out the door. "Why would I do that?"\n\n"Because! Why wouldn't you?"
[["What do you want?"|Campath002]]\n\n[["Piss off, I need to get to class you inconsiderate fuck."|Vladimir007]]\n\n[[prev|Vladimir003]]